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Stelmužės ąžuolas – seniausias ir storiausias Lietuvoje augantis paprastasis ąžuolas, vienas seniausių ąžuolų Europoje. Lietuvos gamtos paminklas. Auga Stelmužės kaime (Imbrado seniūnija, Zarasų rajonas). Ąžuolui apie 1500 metų, jo skersmuo – 3,5 m, apimtis prie žemės 13 m (kamienui apimti reikia 8-9 vyrų).The Stelmužė Oak (Lithuanian: Stelmužės ąžuolas) is an English (Pedunculate) oak tree which grows in the former Stelmužė Manor park by Stelmužė village, Lithuania.The oak measures 3.5 m in diameter and 13 m in girth at its widest part; being 2.8 m. and 9.58 m at waist level. The oak reaches 23 m in height with only side branches remaining alive. It is believed to be at least 1,500 years old, possibly, as much as 2,000 years old; this makes it the oldest oak in Lithuania and one of the oldest in Europe. However, exact age measurements are difficult, as the inner part of the trunk has been removed.
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